"Tevis is a force to be reckoned with...she holds a metaphorical mirror to see yourself & a clear pathway to embrace challenges. Hits the spot."
The Power of Legacy-Based Leadership
Even good leaders can be unaware of how their own choices either sabotage or amplify both their satisfaction & impact on the organization. Great ones are aware & work to optimize their impact relentlessly, with curiosity, courage & desire to grow. They don't leave it to chance.
The Legacy Intensive is for senior leaders who long to realize their dream of positively impactful leadership.
Does this sound like you?
Love your work, but politics within your team keep you up at night?
Pained by the gap between what the organization says about itself & the workday reality?
Agree with the vision, but in the course of day-to-day it seems like it's just a bunch of nice ideas?
Sacrificing self-care to get whatever else done each day?
Struggling to have boundaries given the work-from-anywhere reality of now?
Invest time, energy & resources into helping others to be at their best, but what about you?
You've nailed your professional competencies but has your growth in wisdom has been left to chance?
Are you ever successful enough or truly satisfied?
Do you lack energy to pursue your dreams...(if you even remember what your dreams are)?
Many leaders can name countless things that irritate…but what about delights?
Have a feeling of "is this really it?"
Despite how much you’ve accomplished, still don’t feel fulfilled?
Hear others talk about life-changing experiences & wonder when/if you'll ever experience one?
Observe others you respect as leaders & humans who seem to not have sacrificed so much of who they are to enjoy their success?
Find yourself feeling guilty any time you spend time energy or money on yourself?
The Legacy Intensive activates your greatness.
Awareness is key. Personal insight is pivotal. Fostering high-impact leadership behaviors that optimize already good leaders, The Legacy Intensive brings mission alignment, vision, active interchange of ideas (no matter how far outside of existing paradigms), & that precious, rarely seen ability: to hold oneself accountable.
Based on the teachings of executive coach/author Tevis Trower, Leadership Innovator who Inc. Magazine says "helps executives use the lives they have as raw clay for realizing their ideal selves", we'll start with a deep-dive 1:1 for you to clarify what's working for you, what's not, ideate what you'd like to bring alive in your work & relationships this year. Each month you get a no-holds-barred 1:1 to dig in, figure out what's going well, what you've left on the table, what actions & heightened awareness in the moment you need to travel your envisioned path. Your Legacy will benefit your organization, your family, all whose lives you touch.
If you're ready to work on greatness, this is the way.
"Delightful...charismatic... Tevis is a breath of fresh air in the staid world of leadership development. Brilliant at teaching executives to increase their influence to build a legacy of lifetime contribution."
There are four drivers for incremental leadership excellence: personal alignment, relational curiosity, creativity through crisis & commitment to resilience as a personal practice.
When applied to the Arena of your entire life, everything that transpires at work or in personal interactions is simply fodder for your skillful evolution.
From the perspective of the hero in the Arena, these drivers benefit not only your own performance & satisfaction, but ripples throughout your work & life for a legacy that endures for years or even decades to come.
is this for you?
Legacy Intensive is for senior leaders who long to feel the power of inspiring, authentic presence; graceful influence; & model collaborative leadership throughout the organization.
You're ready for Legacy if:
You've accomplished most if not all of your titular goals.
Have mastery of the usual skillset to performing in your career. You want to go beyond that.
There's a longing for a sense of greater contribution. For you, settling is not an option.
You've admired leaders who are both courageous & alive in their own skin.
In the face of a tight schedule, you understand that cultivation of self is something not left to chance. You want to learn.
Legacy Intensive transforms your work & life into an Arena in which you practice resilient, productive & sustainable competencies that affect not only the bottom line, but the spirit of the work along the way.
Reclaim personal values - live by them & succeed more because of them - in the face of your high-demand career.
Experience more personal power & influence without playing that tiresome politics game.
Feel the inimitable sense of deep personal satisfaction that comes from navigating the Arena of your life with a sense of Self, no matter the mayhem.
Heightened ability to hear & act from your deepest insights...even when they push the norms.
The process is elegantly simple: define the desired outcome; identify desired behaviors; expose gaps; & equip yourself with the skills necessary to course correct & influence the organization towards the horizon you seek all while keeping a deep sense of alignment with yourself.
Combining efficient, impactful touch points with heightened skills in self-assessment & course-correction, the Legacy Intensive will change you for the better, forever. You'll flex towards new, previously unimagined areas of growth with habits that sustain success over the long haul. For yourself. For your organization.
You help others do this. It's time to get the same support for yourself.
"A pragmatic set of tools to facilitate deeper soul-searching & yield a more aspirational form of self...a truly efficient way to achieve optimal state...perfect to captivate the mind & activate the soul of busy people!”

Meet Your Guide: Tevis Trower
Tevis Trower has walked the path. From digging ditches with the US Army to running leadership strategy sessions in some of the worlds most admired organizations including Harvard Business Review Events, FastCompany & YPO, there's not a situation in which she hasn't helped leaders navigate with steady grace, uncommon courage, empathy & connection to their own humanity.
Beyond the boardroom, Tevis has sat with swamis, sweated with shaman. She's led the pack in conscious leadership & knows how to cultivate the rare skill of creating incremental insight & new solutions in even the most staid organizations.
If you're looking for a guide who has mastered even the most treacherous terrain, Tevis is your teacher.
Read more about Tevis.
"Tevis is a delightful fountain of flowing wisdom. I am so grateful to know her...”
Element 1:
Building Your Roadmap to Impact
A deep dive dedicated to you. Your success. Your dreams. Your roadmap to achieving them.
We'll look at what's working, what's not. You'll get clear on where you tug at your own reins, and where you hold them back. You'll emerge with not only a roadmap that resonates with your longing from your marrow, but a clear sense of exactly the practices and commitments that will allow you to live true to your roots, and experience all the courage, fortitude and agility that comes with it.
You'll emerge with insights that:
Enhance your natural instinct towards ego-less, curiosity-driven thinking for greater clarity in all you encounter.
Equip yourself with powerful questions that draw out your deepest wisdom in navigating whatever challenges come along.
Leverage an understanding of the natural cycle of alignment, including problem solving & innovation, to which you can apply real-time scenarios to help you move forward with clarity.
"Knowing where I am within the cycle of alignment has been the greatest gift. It prevents me from getting emotional and allows me to use the reality of each phase to guide next movements." - Team Lead, Bloomberg
"It's simple but as I become more curious about myself, I am more skilled with others. As a result, others are becoming more interested in me, which makes inspiring change much easier." - Finance, Disney Consumer Products
"As I've improved my listening capabilities, colleagues & family are seeking me out to really talk through stuff, not just vent. Great opportunity to influence!" - CMO, Picture People
Element 2:
30 Day Navigational Check-Ins
How agile are you? Can you easily shift with the demands of the ever-changing business landscape, or do find yourself held back by emotional attachment or fear?
Especially now, when everything is shifting rapidly & many are feeling the nudge towards greater meaning in the midst of uncertainty, the skills of agility, knowing your own true north, reading situations & responding to real-time data are crucial to leading well.
We all have great ideas about how we want to show up, but how do we perform in the moment? This element helps you hold yourself accountable in honoring your own capacity for greatness. You'll...
Gain new clarity about your gaps between ideal & real.
Identify how to bring alive your core personal & professional values, with specific actions & benchmarks for when you are aligned & when you are not.
Navigate change & crisis with a grounded sense of calm & clarity.
Use powerful questioning to enhance decision-making.
Deepen your understanding of the cycles of change so that you can easily identify where within the process you stand allowing for more informed decisions.
"I thought you were either steady or emotional -- I didn't realize the relationship between those two qualities. I also didn't realize it is a learned skill. Practicing what I learned has completely changed the way people look at me, and the way I see myself." - Senior Executive, KKR
"The mental agility tools I took from this course have served me far beyond work -- but the promotion didn't hurt either. :)"- R&D, SAAP
"This experience has yields I never imagined. It has influenced me in ways I am still unpacking a year later." - VP East Coast, Yahoo!
Element 3:
100th Day
Reflection & Reckoning
Walking a conscious path spanning a quarter of a year, with the benefit of an ally & witness, you'll have great fodder for reflection & empowered action. Many of us are competent individuals. Some of us emerge as truly competent contributors. Unpacking the journey so far for best-practices, not-so-much moves, & areas to experiment further helps you to become an extraordinary leader.
This step crystallizes the reality that change is a precious opportunity, not to be squandered. Understanding that the skills that have carried you to this point are not the skills that will help take you to your legacy horizon &
where you can take the organization, this capstone deep dive helps you.
Use authentic insight to increase alignment with yourself & the ability to easily, positively influence others.
Benefit from an ally seeing & communicating transparently about what has transpired.
Learn to use powerful questioning to inspire great action in your life & that of others.
Shift unproductive, limiting thinking patterns in yourself & others.
"I'd seen these skills in others - the ability to inspire with ease. I just thought I didn't have the right personality when in reality I wasn't asking the right questions, and I wasn't listening to my deepest answers." - Operations, DKNY
"I can't say I'm now immune to politics because who is? But I can say that I now watch them with objectivity. I don't lose sleep over any of it." - HR, Nokia
"Intellectually & emotionally challenging in all the right ways." - SVP, Media/Ops, Seeking Alpha
"Exactly what i needed to make the shift I'd been thinking about for what seemed like a lifetime." - Editorial, Scholastic
"Everyone should do an intensive like this at some point in their life, but especially contemplating big challenges that require big steps." -Sustainability, Bloomberg
"Tevis is a sister CHANGE-AGENT!"
The time for legacy-based leadership is now.
Imagine 2021 is the year you bring your whole self to the table. Power struggles no longer define you. Work politics are merely fodder for your growth. You don't shy away from acting on your highest wisdom. You navigate all that transpires with an enhanced sense of Self, your core values guiding all you do. You will influence with the gravitas of someone who not only knows deeply what they stand for, but with the grace of someone with their eyes set firmly on a more generative, humane horizon for yourself & for all the lives you touch.