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Tevis Trower shared her early life stories and experiences. In this episode, she also talks about what inspired her to write her book ‘The Game-changer’s Guide to Radical Success’.
Take away: Small changes that add up over time lead to radical success.
Action step: Overcome the habit of discontent. Every night, before you go to bed, make an inventory of every moment in the day that truly gives you happiness. By doing this, you’re building and reinforcing a neurological pattern of positivity.
Money Learnings: Growing up as a kid, Tevis’ family did not have a lot of money, but as she grew older she experienced and learned more about money.
Bio: Tevis Trower, Founder & CEO of Balance Integration, author The Game-Changer’s Guide to Radical Success, knows that building a great organization begins with cultivating true greatness from the very top. Tevis is a pioneer in optimizing corporate cultures, and has been heralded as “corporate mindfulness guru for the new millennium.” Tevis has coached high performers and top executives for powerful organizations ranging from Disney to KKR in leveraging their most precious asset: their humanity. A sought after “get them thinking, laughing, and interacting” speaker.
Tevis has headlined executive events with Fast Company, Harvard Business Review Events, Peer150, Bloomberg, Conscious Capitalism, and Google, and has been featured in media outlets like Forbes, Inc, Fortune, CIO, The New York Post, Yoga Journal, and more.
Highlights from this episode:
Tevis talks about going to Montessori School
What drives Tevis to leave the corporate world
Tevis shared what inspired her to write her book ‘The Game-changer’s Guide to Radical Success’
How to shift people’s relationships with themselves
What Radical Success really mean to Tevis
Tevis’s favorite story in her book