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Tevis on How To Actually Love What You Do with Karen Weeks: Shine at Work Podcast

Writer's picture: Tevis TrowerTevis Trower

Listen to it HERE!!

In this week’s episode, I talk with Tevis Trower about her journey through many “on paper” impressive corporate roles into a career as a leadership futurist, an organization nerd and work that allows her to answer the question of “Do I Matter” with affirmation and joy. After years of looking around large corporations and not seeing people who reflected her values and honestly weren’t even reflections of their true selves, missing that aliveness that is inside all of us. Now she helps high-performers and leaders identify what their heart actually longs for in their career (spoiler alert it’s not money and title).

More about Tevis... Tevis Trower is an Author, Leadership Futurist, Executive Coach and Balance Integration Corporation Founder/CEO. Tevis Trower is a pioneer in optimizing corporate cultures from the top down. Heralded in bestselling Megatrends 2010 as “corporate mindfulness guru for the new millennium," and called ”a breath of fresh air in leadership development" by Forbes magazine (2020), over her long career Tevis has assisted powerful organizations ranging from Disney to Morgan Stanley in optimizing their most precious asset: humanity. Serving clients in over 70 U.S. markets, Europe and Latin America, Tevis has facilitated global executive immersions, keynotes, and panels for prestigious organizations including Fast Company, Harvard Business Review Events, YPO, Conscious Capitalism, Peer 150, PWC, KKR, Soros, Bloomberg LP, Viacom, Google and The Economist on issues including work/self integration, wholeness based leadership, mindfulness, resiliency, mastery, innovation, and radical success. NYU Faculty teaching Business Creativity & Personal Mastery, Tevis has also served as resident resiliency expert to WebMD and HuffPost. Her board service includes American Diabetes Association, New York Yoga Teacher’s Association, and Conscious Capitalism-NYC. Tevis lives what she teaches from her homes in Woodstock and Chelsea NYC, enjoying story slamming, surfing, snowboarding, playing guitar and singing.

  • The full quote Tevis kicks off our conversation referencing (from Martin Luther King Jr): “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well. '”

In this episode, you’ll specifically learn...

  • How work does not have to be a four-letter word, but instead a relationship with others and ourselves

  • How to get over perfection and embrace fabulousness; working with what is going on versus being a victim of our circumstances

  • The importance of asking yourself powerful questions, including “What things threw you off this week?” and “How many things delighted you this week?”

I’m Karen Weeks, the Founder & Principal Coach at KDW Coaching, the host of the Shine at Work podcast, a speaker, published author, Girls in Tech NYC board member and award winning culture leader (currently leading the People team at Ordergroove). My purpose is guiding individuals to get unstuck from a career that is draining them and transform their careers so they



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